Get Apostille Service in Mumbai

Get Apostille Document

Documents issued in Mumbai or Maharashtra are verified, legalised, validated, and attested by Apostille services in Mumbai. With our apostille services in Mumbai, we will help you with every step required to have an apostille attestation on your certificates.
Getting Apostille services in Mumbai is a way of gaining confidence from the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA). First, the Certificate has to be verified by the Maharashtra State Home Department or HRD Ministry. The MEA can finally Apostille the document in Mumbai. Only specific kinds of documents, including birth and marriage certificates, educational certificates, and some kinds of commercial documents, are apostille by the MEA.

The steps to obtain an Apostille in Mumbai: Obtain information regarding the required document that needs to be apostille first. Have a Notary Public notarize your document. Bring your notarized paper to the State Home Department so it can be verified.

Finally, submit your document to the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) office or the EAS office in Mumbai.

Frequently Asked Questions

When & Why is apostille required?

Apostilled certificates prove your credibility and authenticate documents, which is essential for employment, student, residency, and business visas. Having an Apostille on a particular certificate in Mumbai is crucial while travelling overseas because it renders a verdict on the authenticity of the document, guaranteeing validity for employment, business, and education abroad.

What is Apostille Stamp for Mumbai issued Certificate & details included?

An apostille is a sticker stamp of square shape, which itself is a printed form consisting of 11 standard fields. On the top is the text APOSTILLE, under which the text Convention de La Haye du 5 October 1961 (English: Hague Convention of 5 October 1961) is placed. The fields contain the following important information and will place the Apostille Certificate on the backside of the document itself. With this stamp, your certificate becomes right, genuine, and recognised by the MEA of the travelling nation. Holding apostille on a special certificate means there is no requirement for any more further Legalization from the Embassy.

Apostille Sample

Apostille Stamp Sample