What is “Listed Property” According to the IRS?

The IRS has a specific definition of what "listed property" is. Taxpayers need to be aware of this definition before filing federal taxes.

In general, the following property is considered “listed property”:

Any passenger automobile that is a four-wheeled vehicle for use on public roads and has an unloaded gross vehicle weight (or, for trucks and vans, gross vehicle weight) of 6,000 pounds or less (thus the luxury auto rules). The Section 280F regs specifically exclude vehicles used for hire or commuter highway vehicles from the definition of a passenger auto.

Other property used as means of transportation such as trucks, buses, trains, boats, airplanes, motorcycles, or other vehicles used for transporting persons or goods.

Property used for entertainment, recreation, or amusement (unless used in connection with a taxpayer’s trade or business or exclusively at the taxpayer’s place of business), e.g., photographic, phonographic, and video recording equipment.

If placed in service before 2018, computer or peripheral equipment except those owned or leased by the taxpayer and used exclusively at the taxpayer's regular business establishment (which may include a home office only if the conditions of Sec. 280A(c)(1) are met, i.e., exclusive and regular use as a principal business location, etc.).