Interior Design Contract Template

What is an interior design contract agreement? An interior design contract agreement outlines your working relationship with a client for an interior design project, similar to a business contract document. Using a formal contract helps you to avoid misunderstandings with a client by negotiating the details of a design project and putting them in writing. The contract template includes a complete description of design services and several other sections such as payment, indemnification, remedies, amendment, and notice. ‌

Shape your design services into a stellar proposal that wins clients. Use our Interior Design Proposal Template to see how.

Interior Design Contract

This interior design contract being entered into on [Agreement.CreatedDate] between [Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] (Service Provider) and [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] (Client) hereafter known as “The Parties”.

‌Whereas the Client has expressed an interest in interior design services, and the Service Provider is experienced and able to provide such interior design services,

Whereas the Client has agreed to enter into this interior design contract with the Service Provider of their own free will,

‌The Parties hereby agree to accept the following as terms pursuant to this interior design contract.

The description of services section provided in this template allows the Service Provider to document all interior design services being provided during the term of this contract.

‌Description of Services

This section should be extremely detailed to avoid having an interior design client who asks for more work than you agreed to do for the payment amount. You may include a statement in your contract that says additional requests can be added to the contract but will cost extra and may extend the completion date of the project.

‌This interior design contract is inclusive of the following services:​

[List of Services]

Examples of interior design services can include managing construction, planning the layout of a space, designing custom furniture, and/or choosing treatments for windows and bedding. Adjust your firm’s list of services for each client.

Test our Contract Management Software if you want to centralize your contract storage and monitor all your contracts in one place.

All interior design services listed above shall be completed according to the schedule below.

Use the template’s project table (below) to document the projected execution timeline for the interior design project.

All services above shall be provided at the Client’s address located at [Client.StreetAddress] , [Client.City] , [Client.State] [Client.Zip] .


Payment for an interior design project is more than just the hourly rate or project-based fee you’re paid for your work. Your payment outline should be specific enough that there is no question about payment amount(s) or schedules. It is important to include the cost of physical products for an interior design project, too. This helps your client understand the difference between what they are spending on supplies and what they are spending for your time and expertise.

Payment will be accepted in the form of cash, money order, or check as agreed by the Service Provider.

All payments below are inclusive of any taxes and fees and will be made due upon the completion of this interior design contract.

Subtotal $0.00
Discount $0.00
Tax $0.00
Subtotal $0.0

If you are in the initial stages of negotiating your interior design services and project scope, our Interior Design Proposal Template is the perfect resource for you. This customizable template allows you to present your design concepts, estimated costs, and timeline in a professional manner, helping you secure your client’s interest and approval.

Use the template’s pricing table to document any deposits, fees, or other costs associated with this interior design contract. Learn everything you need to know about PandaDoc contracts.

Any payments not received within 10 days of this interior design contract’s completion will be considered late.

Late payments will be subject to a 10% late fee, in addition to any fees incurred by the Service Provider in collecting payment for services rendered.

‌The Service Provider, as well as all individuals representing the Service Provider, shall not under any circumstances divulge or communicate any client information which can be reasonably considered private or confidential.

Violation of this confidentiality clause shall be grounds for legal action against the offending party.

‌Upon the conclusion of this contract, the Client will return all documents, drawings, and forms to the Service Provider and will receive any necessary copies for their records.​


While both parties want to be protected in the case of a disagreement, an indemnification clause protects you as the design consultant. It’s a good idea to include a section that frees you from any future losses the client may inadvertently suffer after the project is complete.

‌The Client agrees to hold the Service Provider harmless in the instance of injury, loss, or damages beyond the Service Provider’s control during this contract term.

Use the template’s warranty section to list any warranties related to the services being provided. This way, the client knows whom to contact if there’s an issue with a product used in the design.

The Service Provider provides no warranty for the services provided. However, the Client is entitled to any manufacturer’s warranties for items installed as part of this interior design contract. Such warranties shall be held between the manufacturer and the Client; the Service Provider is in no way obligated to engage in, initiate, or support warranty claims.


Because PandaDoc’s templates already meet legal and compliance guidelines, you’re protected in the case of a lawsuit. If either party pursues legal action, they cannot ask for more money than is outlined in the contract. This protects both the client and the interior design contractor from having to pay more than the agreed-upon amounts.

Any damages awarded due to willful misconduct or gross negligence by either party shall be limited to the total financial amount listed in this interior design contract.

Force Majeure

If something beyond your control prevents you from completing a project, this section protects you from loss or damages. Each state’s laws vary on what circumstances are acceptable reasons to void a contract without completing it as agreed.

‌In the event an act of God or an occurrence outside of the Parties’ control takes place and prohibits this contract’s fulfillment, the parties will be responsible for notifying one another in a timely manner.

Upon notification, measures shall be taken to allow this contract to be completed, including changes to the agreement end date as well as the allowance of another provider to complete any portions the Service Provider is unable to complete.

‌If any acts that are beyond either party’s control interfere with the completion of the listed services, the Service Provider shall be entitled to payment for services rendered up to that point in time. No further losses or damages will be granted to either party.

‌This interior design contract shall be judged in accordance with the laws of [Sender.State] .

Entire Agreement

The contract needs to be accepted in its entirety for project completion. Be wary of making verbal commitments with your client, because they are not enforceable unless added to the contract in writing.‌

This interior design contract in its entirety shall serve as the whole agreement between the Parties.

‌Furthermore, this contract shall supersede any and all previous agreements whether verbal or written.

The severability clause in this interior design contract template provides coverage in the instance that any clause or provision in this contract is found to be unenforceable or void.

Surviving Agreement

If a portion of the agreement is determined to be unenforceable, it doesn’t void the entire contract. Both parties must carry out their responsibilities for the remaining contract as agreed.

If any terms or conditions set forth in this interior design contract are found to be invalid or unenforceable, the parties shall replace that term with one of close similarity.

The replacing of any term or condition as mentioned above shall not void or terminate this contract under any grounds.

‌Additionally, failure by either party to uphold or enforce any aspect of this interior design contract shall not constitute a waiver of any other aspect of the contract, and the contract shall remain in full effect.


It is possible to make changes to an interior design consulting contract, but both parties must agree and document the changes in writing. With PandaDoc’s editable agreement templates, it’s easy to reopen a contract, make amendments, and sign the document again.

This contract may not be modified except in writing with signature by both parties.


This portion of the interior design contract outlines expectations for communication. Both the client and contractor need to speak regularly about the project — especially if changes are needed.

The Parties agree to communicate with one another as necessary to complete the listed interior design services. Each party’s contact information is listed below:

Service Provider:


Phone: [Client.Phone]

This template includes electronic signature fields for the interior designer and the client, which can be completed using a computer, smartphone, or tablet. With PandaDoc, signatures are secured electronically from any device.


The below-signed parties hereby approve and agree to enter into this interior design contract as of [Agreement.CreatedDate] .‌