Note: The BACB cannot provide guidance on whether a specific degree, set of coursework, or training experience meets our certification requirements outside of a formal review of your application. To determine whether you meet our requirements before submitting your application, please review the relevant certificant handbook and discuss your eligibility status with your supervisor, mentor, or VCS Coordinator.

Document Versions

Please refer to the tables below for the correct documents and versions required.


Document Name Document Version

QVPC 2/2024 application

Preliminary Coursework Evaluation 6/2024

2022 BCaBA VCS Coordinator Coursework Attestation 2/2024

2022 BCBA VCS Coordinator Coursework Attestation 2/2024

2022 Nonverified Course Content Attestation 1/2024

Final Fieldwork Verification Form any version as long as it is for the 2022 Fieldwork Requirements- 2018Monthly Fieldwork Verification Form

Monthly Fieldwork Verification Form any version as long as it is for the 2022 Fieldwork Requirements - 2018

BCaBA VIS application 7/2024

BCBA VIS application 7/2024


Document Name Document Version
Initial Competency Assessment Packet 11/2023
Renewal Competency Assessment Packet 3/2023
RBT VIS Application 7/2024
RBT RVIS Application 7/2024

System Errors or Notifications

Password Reset. When attempting to reset your password, be sure to set email addresses from as “safe senders” in your email account or check your spam folder for the re-sent email.

Frequently Accessed Resources

RBT Requirements